WebDroid – Android WebView App

  • Very cheap price & Original product !
  • 100% Clean Files & Free From Virus
  • Unlimited Domain Usage
  • Free New Version
  • Product Version : 3.0.0
  • Product Last Updated : 19.07.2023
  • License : GPL




“WebDroid – Android WebView App” is a versatile Android application designed to transform websites into mobile apps using WebView technology. This app offers a streamlined way to provide users with an app-like experience when interacting with websites. Here’s a comprehensive list of features offered by “WebDroid – Android WebView App”:

Feature List:

  1. WebView Integration
  2. Website URL Loading
  3. Full-Screen Browsing
  4. Navigation Controls
  5. Refresh Button
  6. Forward and Backward Navigation
  7. Bookmarking Websites
  8. History Tracking
  9. Search Functionality
  10. URL Sharing
  11. Multiple Tabs Support
  12. Incognito Mode
  13. Pull-to-Refresh Gesture
  14. Customizable Home Page
  15. Customizable App Themes
  16. Night Mode
  17. Zoom In and Out
  18. User Agent Configuration
  19. JavaScript Support
  20. Cookie Management
  21. External Links Opening
  22. Notifications for Website Updates
  23. Offline Browsing Support
  24. Geolocation Access
  25. File Upload Support
  26. Deep Linking
  27. URL Whitelisting
  28. Advertisements Integration
  29. Analytics Tracking
  30. Push Notifications Integration
  31. App Splash Screen
  32. App Icon Customization
  33. Multilingual Support
  34. App Permissions Management
  35. App Updates Integration
  36. Social Media Sharing
  37. In-App Browser Navigation
  38. Error Handling
  39. SSL Certificate Handling
  40. Device Compatibility
  41. User Experience Enhancements
  42. Responsive Design
  43. Screen Orientation Support
  44. Keyboard Input Support
  45. Cross-Platform Compatibility
  46. App Performance Optimization
  47. User Reviews and Feedback
  48. Support for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
  49. Deep Linking to Specific Website Pages
  50. Branding and Customization Options

“WebDroid – Android WebView App” offers a convenient solution for transforming websites into Android apps while providing users with an app-like browsing experience. It combines native app features with web content, making it easy to engage users and provide a smooth interaction between websites and the app.


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